Heidi Meier, On-site Supervisor

YMCA Before and After School Programs are offered for students currently enrolled at these three school sites:  Brookview Elementary, Eason Elementary, and Waukee Elementary.

A trained team of child care professionals provides specific activities, each of which is balanced throughout the day or week including:

  • Free Choice. The child chooses from several activity options, some relatively unstructured and some that are staff-directed learning centers.
  • Small-Group and Individuals. The activities available can be done either in small groups or alone. They may be initiated by the adults with the expectation that all children will work on the activity or they may be initiated by the children themselves.
  • Large Group. Activities designed for large group participation usually under the leadership of a staff member.
  • Indoors and Outdoors. As much as possible, and depending on the weather, the YMCA of Greater Des Moines strives to balance indoor and outdoor activities.
  • Snack. A nutritious snack, planned to meet a child’s nutritional requirement, is served each day.

Please visit the YMCA website for more information or contact Joelle Kleihauer, 515-868-0507.

YMCA Child Care Enrollment

The YMCA will accept registration on April 1 for CURRENT families and April 5 for incoming/new families at all three sites (Brookview, Eason, and Waukee). Participants can register online at www.dmymca.org. Please click on Y Programs and select “Program Registration.”

Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral