Board Approves Secondary Boundary Feeder System
After a strategic process that included collaboration between our staff, community, and parents, the Waukee Board of Education took action at tonight’s Board meeting regarding the secondary boundaries.
The Board unanimously voted to approve the administration’s recommendation of Feeder Option 1. Implementation timeline will coincide with the opening of Waukee Northwest High School in 2021.
This decision is an important one, in a series of boundaries changes, as we move into the future of Waukee CSD. Our team is keeping a close eye on what is happening with student enrollment in sections at all of our schools. We anticipate additional elementary and secondary boundary changes as we open new buildings, specifically Elementary #10. We will be communicating more about that in the near future.
We want to thank everyone for being patient and understanding as we navigated this decision. As a reminder, the Waukee Northwest High School branding survey is available until August 2, 2019.
- English version of Family/Student Survey
- Spanish version of Family/Student Survey – Para obtener una versión de la encuesta en español, haga clic en el siguiente enlace.
We are excited about the future of our district and the continued opportunities for students!
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